Saturday, October 22, 2005

Random Idea #8: How to Take Care of Telemarketers

Now, we all hate those pesky little telemarketers calling and trying to sell us something we really have no interest in. Well, let's use it as a moment of humor in our day, shall we?

Option #1: Bad Hearing - Change your voice to an elderly voice and pretend you have bad hearing. Keep repeating "What?," "I'm sorry, I missed that," "Huh?," "Can you repeat that?," and just keep going with it until they give up.

Option #2: Is That You John? - Change to the handy elderly voice and once they begin talking, interrupt them: "Is that you, John?" Let him answer, then continue: "Well, it's good to hear from you. When you comin' over to have dinner with your old grandma?" (pause) "Well, that's great, be sure to bring that beautiful wife of yours, how are the kids, dear?" Just keep it up, it's really fun, take my word on that.

Option #3: Reverse It - As soon as they begin their speech, you begin yours. Try to sell them something. Do your whole speech: "Hello, I'm with Crazy Ed's Car Lot and we're calling to see if you'd be interest in our brand new credit card. It's free for two days and then you pay an interest rate of 65%..." and on and on.

The main point? Getting them to hang up on you. Don't look at these calls as interruptions... see them as moments to enjoy and annoy people. Most of all, have fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll try that next time. Somehow my number got posted somewhere and I get loads of them calling me... lol